88 boulevard de Picpus - Paris 12è - 7j/7 de 10h à 19h - Tél. 01 43 46 35 32

Parisian workshop since 2011 - Discover, train and make

Make a wooden chair

Come imagine, design and make your prototype chair from pine cleats with Yann, a designer. This 9-hour workshop is held over two days once every quarter in our Parisian workshop.

There are no prerequisites and whether you are a beginner or experienced, this chair design and manufacturing workshop will suit you.

Content and objectives

This workshop highlights the discovery of design and creativity through the creation of a chair. The exercise involves creating different iterations of chairs while respecting design and material constraints, particularly with the use of square cleats.

This workshop is divided into two sessions. The first 3-hour session will be devoted to designing your chair and planning the construction. You will be introduced to basic technical drawing, with a focus on elevations. During the second 6-hour session, you will make your chair using tools such as a miter saw, a drill and a sander.

To assemble your chair, you will use screws, glue and clamps. Finally, you will sand the final shapes and explore different options for the finishing.


Quiz, entry knowledge:  Test your knowledge
Instructor observation throughout the workkshop
Quizz to assess aquired knowledge

Please note

Thursday from 6pm to 9pm and Friday from 10am to 5pm or Saturday from 3pm to 6pm and Sunday from 10am to 5pm.
We recommend that you wear closed-toe shoes.

Photo : Alex S Guthrie

Fabrication chaise Yann Gandon

Duration: 3h for design + 6h to make

Course languages: French, English

Audience: Adults

Category P

Single tariff