88 boulevard de Picpus - Paris 12è - 7j/7 de 10h à 19h - Tél. 01 43 46 35 32

Parisian workshop since 2011 - Discover, train and make


Nowadays, cardboard is made from pulp. It is obtained from the cellulose fibers of wood, put in a great amount of water (and possibly other products, based on the type of cardboard). This process allows the production of a great quantity of paper, and also the choice of density. The sheets obtained are assembled by collage, forming cardboard.

The uses of cardboard

Nowadays, if packaging is still the main use for cardboard, along with insulation and edition, other uses are explored : a lot of designers use cardboard for pieces of furniture, which are quite robust and can bear several dozen kilos.

 A recyclable, environmentally friendly material

Cardboard is a material with many benefits : it is light and easy to handle, flat therefore easy to store. It’s fabrication doesn’t include the use of dangerous or pollutant products. From cardboard, it is possible to make pulp, therefore to make cardboard again, with a minimal impact on environment.

One weak point of cardboard is its weakness against humidity.