88 boulevard de Picpus - Paris 12è - 7j/7 de 10h à 19h - Tél. 01 43 46 35 32

Parisian workshop since 2011 - Discover, train and make

Weaving course – 30 Hours

This 5-day weaving workshop will teach you the basics of frame loom weaving and introduce you the creative possibilities of weaving using a variety of threads and materials. Guided by Neha, each participant will create a unique wall decoration and learn techniques to replicate for future projects.

Suitable for complet beginners and those looking ti impove their skills.

Course outline & Objective

Day 1 & 2 : Learning the basics of weaving

On a frame loom, you will set up your first warp and learn the basics of contemporary tapestry weaving anc classic hand-weaving techniques. You will have the opportunity to expirement with a variety of threads and materials. You will also learn different ways to finish your woven piece.

Day 3 : Design a unique wall decoration

You will be guided individually to develop your own artpiece.
You will select the color palette and yarns from the materails provided and learn how to make a sketch of what you want to weave.

Day 4 & 5 : Weaving

The last two days will be an immersion in the weaving of a unique and personal wall hanging.

Please note

  • From 10AM to 1PM, then 2PM to 5PM
  • All materials are included
  • You acan also learn weaving during a weekly 2.5-hour evening class.
Stage de tissage

Duration: 5 day(s)


Course languages: French, English


Category V

Single tariff